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Children are provided with a healthy and balanced menu which is planned in advance, and avoids large quantities of fats, sugars, additives, preservatives and food colouring. Food is prepared on the day and enjoyed by the children seated in small groups with an adult for support. Children’s medical, cultural, religious and persona dietary requirements are respected. Each lunch will provide the following elements:

1.  Protein for growth.
2. Carbohydrate for energy.
3. Essential minerals and vitamins in raw foods, salads and vegetables.

For children with us all day, we will ensure that they receve their 5 fruits and vegetables. We have our own allotment in which the children are supported in growing their own fruits and vegetables and picking them for their lunch. This has created a deeper understanding of the importance of a healthy diet for our children. We believe that healthy children are better learners, and we train to support this principle.

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